Integrated Pest Management is an effective and environmentally safe approach to modern-day pest control. Ask your representative if Arrow’s IPM system is right for you.
Whether you call it earth-friendly, eco-friendly or green, Arrow Exterminators, Inc. is committed to providing effective and environmentally conscious pest control service for our customers.
We practice Integrated Pest Management (IPM), an effective and environmentally sensitive approach to pest control, which we have advocated for many years. IPM is a combination of common-sense practices and methods of inspection and treatment. We rely on current, comprehensive information on the life cycles of pests and their interaction with the environment. In short, we identify the pest, its habits, habitat and food source. We employ the best available pest control methods to manage pests and pest damage with the least possible hazard to people, property and the environment.
As a home or business owner, you can be part of the eco-friendly solution. There are many things that you can do to “exclude” pests from from your home. These are often simple tasks that you can do yourself or we can provide the service for you.
Keep ivy and other ground cover off of your home
Cut any limbs which overhang gutters and your roof
Make sure windows and doors do not have cracks
Check window and door screens for tears
Make sure mulch is not up against your exterior siding
Move firewood away from the house
Put garbage in waste receptacle
Properly store pet foods
Keep gutters free and clear of debris
With exclusion methods in place, we are often able to reduce the amount of chemicals we use. Arrow Exterminators, Inc. uses state of the art strategies to set pest action thresholds, to monitor pest regularity and to prevent pest problems. Our control methods make use of chemicals judiciously or are organic (plant-based) in nature. We approach any pest issue with top notch technical skill and an eco-friendly attitude.
“You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you.”
— Jane Goodall